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Monday, 25 March 2013

Fantasy - Third Sea Day

View from the Balcony
We didn't take many pictures this day, but it is in my mind as one of our best sea days ever.  We took a few pictures about, had a leisurely breakfast with our awesome tablemates, and then I headed to Quiet Cove.
Looking Down from Quiet Cove
A Pint Sized State Room

 My Beloved joined me after a little while and discovered just how relaxing those round chairs are.  I did some swimming and some reading and conducted an important experiment.  I went to the drink station and got a cup with some milk. Off to soft serve, at which point I added banana and chocolate soft server. I then mixed the result and headed to the bar, where an obliging bartender assisted me in my quest for science by providing me with a shot of banana liqueur. Rapture! However, I don't recommend doing this often as they don't last more than a few minutes.

These Chairs are So Comfortable - Quiet Cove
 Other lovely points about a sea day on the Fantasy:
  • Someone comes around frequently to the adult section with cold wet hand towels.
  • 2 for 1 drinks! On this day they were "mai tais". Now, to anyone who has enjoyed the bliss that is a Trader Vic's recipe mai tai, this is not the little bit of paradise I am talking about. These are the cliche day-glo, fruit flavoured beverages one expects in most places not actually Hawaiian. However, fruit, rum and half price, not bad.
The Theatre
I don't think I can emphasize enough how much I love the Disney Cruise Line shows. They are always entertaining. I have heard people complain that the music is canned, but I find that doesn't detract from the story lines. On this cruise, we apparently were travelling with some hearing-impaired people. In all honesty, the interpreters were just as entertaining to watch as the actors.
Some Cruiselines still give you chocolates

Love these Portholes
And so, to bed, after a truly glorious day. We were well-fed, well-beveraged and well-entertained. It was very relaxing and enjoyable. The only sad note was that we knew we would only have one more full day before our cruise was over.

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